Friday 14 June 2019



I am as obsessed with good beer as much as I am obsessed with good food
and Grimbergen from Belgium has definitely piqued my interest.
Their history alone should be enough to grab anyone's attention;

The Grimbergen label has a very long history, dating back to 1128 when the monks founded the Norbertine Abbey in Grimbergen.  It was twice destroyed during times of conflict, and ceased operations in 1798 when it was demolished during the French Revolution.With such a chequered history, it is no surprise that the monks adopted the phoenix as a symbol of rebirth.   This symbol adorns the labels of all the Grimbergen beers, along with the tag ‘burned but not destroyed'.The Maes brewery (a big player in the Belgian brewing industry) began brewing beer under the Grimbergen label again in 1958.  In 2008 Heineken took over Alken-Maes, though Carlsberg is given the rights to the label everywhere outside of Belgium. So their beer is still brewed by Alken-Maes, while the Kronenbourg Brewery in France brews the beers for Carlsberg.

And now they are brewing a beer from a 200 year old recipe that will be 10.8%!!

Their Blonde, Dubbel & Tripel are available in Australia,
Give them a try, I know I will be. 

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